Category :Meeting Packets (All)
January 19, 2023 City Council Meeting Packet
V.A Minutes 2023-01-04 Special Mtg
V.B Minutes 2023-01-05
VI.C HR Green Invoice #159016
VI.D HR Green Invoice #158606
VI.F Landscape quotes for bioretention cell Franklin Street
VI.G Draft of Permeable Paver Maintenance Easement
VI.H DCDC Funding 4th Quarter
VI.I Appt Attorney
VI.J Appt City Clerk
VI.J Appt Fire Chief
VI.J Appt Interim Police Chief
VI.J Appt Mayor Pro Tem
VI.J Appt Police Chief
VI.J Designate Official Newspaper
VI.K Appt of Boards and Commissions Liaisons
VI.L Appt of Department Liaisons
VI.M Appt of Internal Committees Liaisons
VI.N Appt Ron Henkenius to Cemetery Board